

rent: English has two words rent. The one meaning ‘payment’ [12] comes via Old French rente from Vulgar Latin *rendita, a noun use of the feminine past participle of *rendere ‘give back’ (source of English render). Rent ‘tear, rift’ [16] comes from the verb rend [OE], which goes back to Old English rendan. Its ultimate antecedents are not known, although it may be related to Sanskrit rándhra- ‘split’.
=> render
rent (n.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"payment for use of property," mid-12c., a legal sense, originally "income, revenue" (late Old English), from Old French rente "payment due; profit, income," from Vulgar Latin *rendita, noun use of fem. past participle of rendere "to render" (see render (v.)).
rent (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., "to rent out property, grant possession and enjoyment of in exchange for a consideration paid," from Old French renter "pay dues to," or from rent (n.1). Related: Rented; renting. Earlier (mid-14c.) in the more general sense of "provide with revenue." Sense of "to take and hold in exchange for rent" is from 1520s. Intransitive sense of "be leased for rent" is from 1784. Prefix rent-a- first attested 1921, mainly of businesses that rented various makes of car (Rentacar is a trademark registered in U.S. 1924); extended to other "temporary" uses since 1961.
rent (n.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"torn place," 1530s, noun use of Middle English renten "to tear, rend" (early 14c.), variant of renden (see rend (v.)).




同源词:render, surrender

该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:rent 词源,rent 含义。


来自古法语 rente,应付款,利润,收入,来自俗拉丁语*rendere,给予,给回,词源同 render. 引申词义租金。


来自古法语 rente,应付款,利润,收入,来自俗拉丁语*rendere,给予,给回,词源同 render. 引申词义租金。