

poodle: [19] The ancestor of the modern poodle was a water-dog, used probably in the hunting of water-fowl – very different from the effete toy variety of today. Its name reflects its aquatic origins: in German it is pudelhund, the first element (a relative of English puddle) being from Low German pudeln ‘splash about in water’. This was shortened to simply pudel, the form in which it was acquired by English (and indeed other languages: in Swedish it is pudel, in Dutch poedel).
=> puddle
poodle (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1808, from German Pudel, shortened form of Pudelhund "water dog," from Low German Pudel "puddle" (compare pudeln "to splash;" see puddle (n.)) + German Hund "hound" (see hound (n.)). Probably so called because the dog was used to hunt water fowl. Figurative sense of "lackey" (chiefly British) is attested from 1907. Poodle-faker, British army slang for "ingratiating male," is from 1902, likely euphemistic.




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