

patent: [14] Etymologically, patent means simply ‘open’. Its ultimate source is patēns, the present participle of the Latin verb patēre ‘be open’ (a relative of English fathom and petal). It was used particularly in the term letters patent, which denoted an ‘open letter’, particularly an official one which gave some particular authorization, injunction, etc.

It soon came to be used as a noun in its own right, signifying such a letter, and by the end of the 16th century it had acquired the meaning ‘exclusive licence granted by such a letter’. This gradually passed into the modern sense ‘official protection granted to an invention’.

=> fathom, petal
patent (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "open letter or document from some authority," shortened form of Anglo-French lettre patent (also in Medieval Latin (litteræ) patentes), literally "open letter" (late 13c.), from Old French patente (see patent (adj.).
The Letters Patent were ... written upon open sheets of parchment, with the Great Seal pendent at the bottom ... [while] the 'Litteræ Clausæ,' or Letters Close, ... being of a more private nature, and addressed to one or two inpiduals only, were closed or folded up and sealed on the outside. [S.R. Scargill-Bird, "A Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents at the Public Record Office," 1891]
Meaning "a license covering an invention" is from 1580s.
patent (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to obtain right to land," 1670s, from patent (n.). The meaning "copyright an invention" is first recorded 1822, from earlier meaning "obtain exclusive right or monopoly" (1789), a privilege granted by the Crown via letters patent. Related: Patented; patenting.
patent (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., in letters patent, literally "open letter," from Old French patente, from Latin patentum (nominative patens) "open, lying open," present participle of patere "lie open, be open," from PIE *pete- "to spread" (see pace (n.)). Sense of "open to view, plain, clear" is first recorded c. 1500. Related: Patently.



英语单词patent一般被翻译为“专利”,其实在历史上,patent跟“专利”毫无关系,而是一个形容词,表示“打开的、公开的”,用于术语Letters patent。该术语源自拉丁语Litteræ Patentes,字面意思就是open letter,意思就是公开的文件。与其相对的术语是Litteræ Clausæ,或closed letter,意思就是保密的文件。

在中世纪时,政府或王室颁发的正式文件,按照其保密性分为Litteræ Patentes(公开文件)和Litteræ Clausæ(保密文件)两种。两种文件的装订方式不一样。公开文件是开放式的,印章盖在最后一页的底部,所有人都可以翻阅;保密文件是对折的,在外头加以封印,只有特殊人物才能查看,每次看完后还要重新封印。

在14世纪的欧洲,为了鼓励发明创造,英国和意大利的王室采用特许的方式,允许一些工匠或商人在一定期限内以垄断方式独家经营自己所发明的产品。这种特许书就做成了Litteræ Patentes(公开文件)的形式,里面有对产品的详细描述,这就是现代专利制度中的“专利说明书”的雏形。随着专利制度的普及,原本表示“公开文件”的术语Litteræ Patentes也逐渐用来专指“专利特许书”。

英语单词patent就源自拉丁术语Litteræ Patentes,是patentes的变形。所以patent做形容词时,除了表示“专利的”,还含有“显然的,明摆着的”等含义。

patent: ['pæt(ə)nt; 'peɪt(ə)nt] n.专利,专利权,专利品adj.专利的,显然的,明摆着的vt.授予专利,取得……的专利权。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:patent 词源,patent 含义。


来自拉丁语patere,展开,摊开,来自PIE*pete,展开,词源同petal,feather.-ent,现在分词后缀。引申词义公开的,明显的。词义专利缩写自letters patent,公开信,原指政府公文。