

palace: [13] The Palātium, or Mons Palātīnus (in English the ‘Palatine hill’), was one of the seven hills of ancient Rome. On it the emperor Augustus built a house, which in due course grew into a grand imperial palace, also called the Palātium. This came to be used as a generic term for such residences, and passed into English via Old French paleis. The derived Latin adjective palātīnus has given English paladin [16] and palatine [15].
=> paladin, palatine
palace (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 13c., "official residence of an emperor, king, archbishop, etc.," from Old French palais "palace, court," from Medieval Latin palacium "a palace" (source of Spanish palacio, Italian palazzo), from Latin palatium "the Palatine hill," in plural, "a palace," from Mons Palatinus "the Palatine Hill," one of the seven hills of ancient Rome, where Augustus Caesar's house stood (the original "palace"), later the site of the splendid residence built by Nero. In English, the general sense of "splendid dwelling place" is from late 14c.

The hill name probably is ultimately from palus "stake," on the notion of "enclosure." Another guess is that it is from Etruscan and connected with Pales, supposed name of an Italic goddess of shepherds and cattle.



相传,坐落在罗马七丘的古罗马城是战神之子Romulus于公元前753年前后创建的。如今用以表示“宫殿”和“豪华住宅”、“华丽建筑物”等义的palace 一词可一直追溯到古罗马七丘之一的主丘the Palatine Hill(帕拉蒂尼山)。

罗马帝国的第一代皇帝奥古斯都( Augustus)卧及其后的提比略( Tiberius)和尼禄(Nero)等皇帝都先后把皇宫建在这座山丘上。有人说世界上第一座富丽堂皇的宫殿是尼禄所建。他在位时建于该山丘上的罗马城已发展为华丽的住宅区。权贵名士都聚居于此,富人的住宅布满山坡。

尼禄想把整座山丘据为已有,遂下令私人住宅一律拆除。然后建筑师们为他精心设计了一座皇官,罗马人称之为palatium,字面义是on the site of the Palatine(位于帕拉蒂尼山上)。以后法国国王据此把他们的王官叫做palais,英语借用了这个词,初作paleys,后来才演变成palace的。

从palace的形容词形式palatial(宫殿的)我们能够更清楚地看到palace同palatium之间的联系。其实,至今英语里还有palatine 一词,也作形容词用,同palatial词义相近。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:palace 词源,palace 含义。


来自拉丁语palatium,王宫,宫殿,来自Mons Palatinus,即the Palatine Mountain,古罗马七座山丘之一,凯撒大帝原住所,后罗马皇帝尼禄在此大兴土木,建立宫殿。该词字面意思可能是围栏,围场,来自palus,木桩,词源同pole,palisade.





palace:['pælɪs] n.宫殿,豪华住宅,府邸