- invest

- invest: [16] The etymological notion underlying invest is of ‘putting on clothes’. It comes via Old French investir from Latin investīre, a compound verb formed from the prefix in- and vestis ‘clothes’ (source of English vest, vestment, travesty, etc). It retained that original literal sense ‘clothe’ in English for several centuries, but now it survives only in its metaphorical descendant ‘instal in an office’ (as originally performed by clothing in special garments).
Its financial sense, first recorded in English in the early 17th century, is thought to have originated in Italian investire from the idea of dressing one’s capital up in different clothes by putting it into a particular business, stock, etc.
=> travesty, vest, vestment - invest (v.)

- late 14c., "to clothe in the official robes of an office," from Latin investire "to clothe in, cover, surround," from in "in, into" (see in- (2)) + vestire "to dress, clothe" (see wear (v.)). The meaning "use money to produce profit" first attested 1610s in connection with the East Indies trade, and is probably a borrowing of Italian investire (13c.) from the same Latin root, via the notion of giving one's capital a new form. The military meaning "to besiege" is from c. 1600. Related: Invested; investing.
英语单词invest来自investire,本意是“穿上正式的制服”,由in(进入)+vestire(衣服)构成,英语单词vest(背心,汗衫)就源自vestire。人们将手中的钱换成东印度公司股票时,就像是给财富换上了一件神奇的衣服,一件可以带来滚滚财源的衣服,所以人们用invest这个单词来比喻这种购买股票的投资行为,invest也就产生了“投资”的含义。有趣的是,股票交易所中的交易员都身穿马甲(in vest)。
invest[ɪn'vest] v.投资,投资于;覆盖,包围
investment:[ɪn'ves(t)m(ə)nt] n.投资,投入,封锁
vest: [vest]背心,汗衫,马甲vt.授予,使穿衣服vi.归属,穿衣服
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:invest 词源,invest 含义。
词根词缀: in-入,向内 + -vest-衣服