- important

- important: [16] Important and import (the opposite of export) come from the same source – Latin importāre, a compound verb formed from the prefix in- and portāre ‘carry’ (as in English portable). Its original literal sense (as represented in the English verb import [16]) was ‘bring in’, but in the Middle Ages this developed metaphorically to ‘imply, mean’ (which is what French importer and Italian importare signify), and its present participle importāns gave English important.
=> import, port, portable - important (adj.)

- mid-15c., from Middle French important and directly from Medieval Latin importantem (nominative importans), present participle of importare "be significant in," from Latin importare "bring in" (see import). Related: Importantly.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:important 词源,important 含义。
词根词缀: im-入,向内 + -port-运输,携带 + -ant形容词词尾