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recognize: [15] Latin gnōscere ‘become acquainted’ came from the same prehistoric Indo-European base, *gnō-, as produced English know. Combination with the prefix co- ‘with’ gave cognōscere ‘know’ (source of English cognition, quaint, etc). And this in turn had the prefix re- ‘again’ added to it to produce recognōscere ‘know again’, which found its way into English via reconniss-, the stem of Old French reconnaistre (the -ize ending is an English introduction).

English has three noun derivatives of the verb: recognition [15], from Latin recognitiō; recognizance [14], now purely a legal term, borrowed from Old French reconnissance and remodelled on the basis of recognize; and reconnaissance [19], borrowed from modern French during the Napoleonic wars. Reconnoitre [18] comes from the now obsolete French reconnoître, which like its surviving variant reconnaître goes back to Latin recognōscere.

=> cognition, know, quaint, reconnaissance, reconnoitre



该词源出美国,始见于1890年。一般认为,它的产生与抢劫不无关系。持枪歹徒在拦路抢劫时,害怕被抢者反抗,每每喝令道:“High,Jack ! ”意即要求对方高举双手、不许乱动。于是人们便把High,Jack 二词合二为一,再加后缀-er ,构成highjacker ,用以称谓“强人”。1921年该词略为hijacker,1923年又逆生出hijack ,兼作名词和动词。在美国禁酒时期(Prohibition ,1920——1933),hijack开始通用起来,当时多指“抢劫酒类走私贩”。以后其词义逐渐扩大,始而引申为“拦路抢劫(车辆、行人等)”,继而又引申为“绑架”和“劫持(飞机等)”,频频在当代报刊上露面,成为大家熟悉的字眼。

近几十年来空中劫机事件时有发生,一个由sky原形和hijacker尾部连成的缩合词skyjacker 应运而生,用以专指“空中劫持者”、“空中劫机匪徒”,随后又由此逆生出skyjack一词,表示“空中劫机”。近年来,一些大都市治安不力,歹徒公然在光天化日之下拦劫汽车,于是有人又类比造出carjack一词,用以表示“劫车”。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:highjack 词源,highjack 含义。