The ladies of Augusta, Maine, set in operation and carried out a novel idea, namely, the distribution of over fifty bushels of doughnuts to the Third volunteer regiment of that State. A procession of ladies, headed by music, passed between double lines of troops, who presented arms, and were afterwards drawn up in hollow square to receive from tender and gracious hands the welcome doughnation. [Frazar Kirkland, "Anecdotes of the Rebellion," 1866]
Meaning "a driving in tight circles" is U.S. slang, 1981. Compare also donut.英语单词doughnut常常被翻译为“甜甜圈”,因为它通常是环形的。这个单词由dough(面团)和nut(坚果)组成,字面含义就是“面团做成的坚果”。为什么是这样呢?原来,最早的doughnut的形状与现在不同,是用一小块面团裹上蜜饯等甜点,然后放到猪油中烹制而成。由于最初的形状像小果子,因为就被称为doughnut。直到19世纪后期才出现中间有洞的doughnut,但人们已经习惯doughnut这个称呼了。
doughnut:['dəʊnʌt] n.甜甜圈,炸圈饼
dough:[dəʊ] n.面团,生面团
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:doughnut 词源,doughnut 含义。