- distaff

- distaff: [OE] The compound noun distaff ‘rod for holding flax, wool, etc in spinning’ was a late Old English formation from *dis ‘bunch of flax’ (a word which survives in bedizen [17], a derivative of the obsolete dizen, which originally meant ‘put flax on to a rod’ and hence ‘dress up in finery’) and staff. The now fairly archaic use of phrases such as distaff side to refer to ‘women’ comes from the traditional pigeonholing of spinning as a woman’s job.
=> bedizen - distaff (n.)

- Old English distæf "stick that holds flax for spinning," from dis- "bunch of flax" (cognates: Middle Low German dise, Low German diesse "a bunch of flax on a distaff;" see bedizen) + stæf "stick, staff" (see staff).
A synonym in English for "the female sex, female authority in the family," since at least the late 1400s, probably because in the Middle Ages spinning was typically done by women. St. Distaff's Day was Jan. 7, when "women resumed their spinning and other ordinary employments after the holidays" [OED].
来自古英语distaef, 纺纱杆,dis, 黄麻捆,staff, 杆。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:distaff 词源,distaff 含义。
旧时在英国纺纱(spinning)乃是妇女(尤其是未婚女子)干的活计,因此从14至16世纪“从事纺织的女子”就被称作spinster。distaff原先也是个纺织术语,指“(手工)纺纱杆”。由于纺纱杆常被作为女性或女性工作的象征,因此distaff 一词也常喻指“女性”或“母系”,例如the spear side(父系,男系)的对应语the distaff side(母系,女系)。这一比喻用法本来已渐遭废弃,妇女解放运动使它恢复了活力,如今男女平等主义者( feminists)常用distaff来指“女性”或“女子做的工作”等。(参见spinster)