- denim

- denim: [17] The name of the fabric from which jeans are made had its origins in a sort of serge produced in the southern French town of Nîmes. The French naturally enough called it serge de Nîmes, but the original meaning of this soon became lost when English borrowed it as serge de Nim, and the last two words came to be run together as denim.
- denim (n.)

- 1690s, from French serge de Nîmes "serge from Nîmes," town in southern France. Application to "coarse cotton cloth" is first recorded 1850 in American English. Denims "pants made of denim" recorded from 1868. The place name is Roman Nemausus, said to be ultimately from Gaulish nemo "sanctuary."
来自法语serge de Nimes,因产自法国Nimes而得名。参照damask.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:denim 词源,denim 含义。
尼姆(Nimes)是法国南部加尔省的省会城市,靠近地中海,历史悠久。从中世纪开始,尼姆就以纺织厚而结实的帆布著称。后来,这种厚布被出口到美国,很快被用来生产结实的牛仔裤。这种布料最早被称作“serge de Nimes”,意即“尼姆产粗棉布”。后来该名称为简化为de Nimes(尼姆产),最后演化成英语单词“denim”,成为牛仔布的正式称谓。
denim:['denɪm] n.牛仔布,丁尼布,斜纹粗棉布