- delta

- delta: [16] Delta was the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, corresponding to English d. Its capital form was written in the shape of a tall triangle, and already in the ancient world the word was being applied metaphorically to the triangular deposit of sand, mud, etc which forms at the mouth of rivers (the Greek historian Herodotus, for instance, used it with reference to the mouth of the Nile). Greek acquired the word itself from some Semitic language; it is related to dāleth, the name of the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
- delta (n.)

- c. 1200, Greek letter shaped like a triangle, equivalent to our "D," the name from Phoenician daleth "tent door." Herodotus used it of the mouth of the Nile, and it was so used in English from 1550s; applied to other river mouths from 1790.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:delta 词源,delta 含义。
delta本是希腊语的第四个字母,大写形式作△。由于该字母状若三角形,古希腊历史学家希罗多德(Herodotus,484? - 430/420BC)用它来指“尼罗河三角洲”。嗣后,人们又以delta泛指“(河流的)三角洲”或“三角形物”。