- decimal

- decimal: [17] Decimal comes from decimālis, a medieval Latin coinage based on decimus ‘tenth’, the ordinal derivative of Latin decem ‘ten’ (a relative of English ten). Other descendants of decem include December, decimate, dime, and the prefix deci-, while its Greek cousin déka has given us decade [15] and the prefix deca-.
=> decade, december, decimate, dime, ten, tithe - decimal (adj.)

- c. 1600, from Medeival Latin decimalis "of tithes or tenths," from Latin decimus "tenth," from decem "ten" (see ten). Applied to Arabic notation before modern sense of "decimal fractions" emerged. As a noun from 1640s.
来自decim-, 十分之一。用于数学名词。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:decimal 词源,decimal 含义。
其远祖可追溯至史前印欧语dekm,dekm的拉丁语后裔decem, decimus(十)在英语中的"子孙"除了decimal,还有December, decimate, dime和前缀deci-;史前印欧语dekm的希腊语后裔deka,在英语中的"子孙"有dean, decade, deca-;史前印欧语dekm的日耳曼语后裔tekhan,不仅产生了英语数词ten,还有德语zehn,荷兰语tien,瑞典语tio和丹麦语ti。
同源词:December, decimate, dime, deci-, dean, decade, deca-, ten