And he, the said Wirz, still wickedly pursuing his evil purpose, did establish and cause to be designated within the prison enclosure containing said prisoners a "dead line," being a line around the inner face of the stockade or wall enclosing said prison and about twenty feet distant from and within said stockade; and so established said dead line, which was in many places an imaginary line, in many other places marked by insecure and shifting strips of [boards nailed] upon the tops of small and insecure stakes or posts, he, the said Wirz, instructed the prison guard stationed around the top of said stockade to fire upon and kill any of the prisoners aforesaid who might touch, fall upon, pass over or under across the said "dead line" .... ["Trial of Henry Wirz," Report of the Secretary of War, Oct. 31, 1865]
英语单词deadline可追溯至美国内战期间。南部军队在佐治亚州的一个小镇安德森维尔设置了一个战俘营。这个战俘营由于关押的战俘数量大大超过最大容量,因而条件奇差,战俘们在这里受到非常不人道的待遇。到战争结束时,这儿共有1万3千名战俘死去,死亡率高达29%。安德森维尔成为美国内战时期最臭名昭著的一个战俘营。战争结束后,负责管理这座战俘营的惠兹(Wirz)上尉受到审讯并被判处死刑,成为美国内战中唯一因为“战争罪”而被处死的南方军人。在审讯中,惠兹上尉透露,在安德森维尔战俘营中设有一条界线,他曾对守卫战俘营的哨兵下令,对任何触摸、踩踏或跨越这条界线的战俘格杀勿论。因此,这条界线就被称为dead line。英语单词deadline就是由dead line合并演变而来,现在通常用来表示“最后期限,截止期限”。
deadline:['dedlaɪn] n.最后期限,截止期限
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:deadline 词源,deadline 含义。
该词可以追溯到美国南北战争(1861 - 1865)。南部联军在佐治亚州一小镇安德森维尔(Andersonville)设了一个战俘营,战俘在里面受到非人待遇。离铁丝围栏不远处标有一条界线,谁逾越此线即格杀勿论。这条界线被称作deadline。以后监狱周围的死线也叫deadline。但在今天deadline一般多转义为“最后期限”或“截稿期”。
词根词缀: dead死 + line线