

dandelion: [13] Dandelion means literally ‘lion’s tooth’. It was borrowed from French dent-de-lion, which itself was a translation of medieval Latin dēns leōnis. It was presumably so called from the toothlike points of its leaves (although some have speculated that the name comes from the long taproot). The plant has a variety of local dialectal names, many of them (clock, farmer’s clocks, schoolboy’s clock, telltime, time flower) reflecting the traditional practice of telling the time by blowing off all the plant’s tufted seeds (the number of puffs needed indicates the hour). Piss-a-bed, like its French counterpart pissenlit, betrays the plant’s diuretic properties.
=> dentist, lion
dandelion (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., earlier dent-de-lioun (late 14c.), from Middle French dent de lion, literally "lion's tooth" (from its toothed leaves), translation of Medieval Latin dens leonis. Other folk names, like tell-time refer to the custom of telling the time by blowing the white seed (the number of puffs required to blow them all off supposedly being the number of the hour), or to the plant's more authentic diuretic qualities, preserved in Middle English piss-a-bed and French pissenlit.



英语单词dandelion(蒲公英)来自法语dent de lion,意为“teeth of lion”(狮子的牙齿),译自拉丁语dens leonis(狮子的牙齿)。这是因为蒲公英的叶子很像狮子的利齿。

  dandelion:['dændɪlaɪən] n.蒲公英

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:dandelion 词源,dandelion 含义。


来自法语dent de lion, 即lion’s tooth. 因薄公英的叶子形如狮子的牙齿而得名。


汉语通称“蒲公英”,别称“黄花地丁”。由于这种植物叶子呈齿状,所以法语称dent de lion.意即tooth of the lion(狮子的牙齿)。英语名称借自法语,只是连写成一词,且在拼法上有些变化而已。其它一些欧洲语言也以此特点来取名,如德语作Lowenzahn,西班牙语作dient de leon,意大利语作dente di leone等。严格地来说,不论是法语和英语名称,还是德语、西班牙语和意大利语名称,若究其根源,均源自拉丁文dens leonis 。除dandelion,蒲公英在英语中尚有不少方言名称,如clock,farmer's clocks,schoolboy's clock,tell-time,time-flower,piss-a-bed等。其中最末一个和现代法语pissenlit相对应,得名于蒲公英的利尿特性。据说喝了用蒲公英叶制的饮料会使人尿床呢。