- dam

- dam: [12] Dam, appropriately enough for a word related to the human control of water-courses, seems to have been borrowed from Middle Dutch dam. It appears to have been a fairly widespread West and East Germanic word, subsequently borrowed into North Germanic, but its ultimate source is not known.
- dam (n.1)

- "water barrier," early 14c., probably from Old Norse dammr or Middle Dutch dam, both from Proto-Germanic *dammaz (cognates: Old Frisian damm, German Damm), which is of unknown origin.
- dam (n.2)

- "animal mother," c. 1300, variant of dame (q.v.), also originally used, like that word, for "lady, mother;" but meanings perged into separate spellings by 16c.
- dam (v.)

- late 15c., from dam (n.1). Related: Dammed; damming.
词源不详,可能来自Proto-Germanic*dammaz, 缝纫,修补。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:dam 词源,dam 含义。