

daffodil: [16] Originally, this word was affodil, and referred to a plant of the lily family, the asphodel; it came from medieval Latin affodillus, and the reason for the change from asph- (or asf-, as it often was in medieval texts) to aff- is probably that the s in medieval manuscripts looked very like an f. The first evidence of its use to refer to a ‘daffodil’, rather than an ‘asphodel’, comes in the middle of the 16th century. It is not entirely clear where the initial d came from, but the likeliest explanation is that daffodil represents Dutch de affodil ‘the daffodil’ (the Dutch were then as now leading exponents of bulb cultivation).
daffodil (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1540s, variant of Middle English affodill "asphodel" (c. 1400), from Medieval Latin affodillus, from Latin asphodelus, from Greek asphodelos, which is of unknown origin. The initial d- is perhaps from merging of the article in Dutch de affodil, the Netherlands being a source for bulbs. First reference to the flower we know by this name (Narcissus pseudo-Narcissus) is from 1590s.



来自拉丁语asphodelus, 黄水仙。字母d误以为是冠词de而加在首字母前。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:daffodil 词源,daffodil 含义。


在古希腊神话中,有一块英雄及好人死后居住的乐土叫Elysium。那里没有风雪,没有严寒,常年和风习习,遍地开着daffodil这种大朵的黄水仙花。自20世纪早期起daffodil就成为英国威尔士的民族之花。在威尔士的民族节日圣大卫节(St David's Day)那天,许多威尔士人都会在衣服上佩戴daffodil。除了玫瑰之外,daffodil也是英国抒情诗中特受喜爱的花之一,赫里克(Robert Herrick,1591-1674)和华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)等著名诗人都借daffodil抒发情怀。daffodil一词源于希腊语,原先作asphodel,到15世纪时被讹传为affodil.据牛津字典,首字母d是被半戏谑地加上去的,就像Ed 和Ted同是Edward的昵称,而Ted的首字母T是以后加上去的。;;另一种说法是,d可能来自荷兰语的定冠词de,荷兰语de affodil被英国人误作一个词了。荷兰人昔日曾是,今天仍是栽培百合,郁金香,水仙等鳞茎植物(bulb)的能手。