

czar (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1550s, from Russian tsar, from Old Slavic tsesari, from Gothic kaisar, from Greek kaisar, from Latin Caesar. First adopted by Russian emperor Ivan IV, 1547.
The spelling with cz- is against the usage of all Slavonic languages; the word was so spelt by Herberstein, Rerum Moscovit. Commentarii, 1549, the chief early source of knowledge as to Russia in Western Europe, whence it passed into the Western Languages generally; in some of these it is now old-fashioned; the usual Ger. form is now zar; French adopted tsar during the 19th c. This also became frequent in English towards the end of that century, having been adopted by the Times newspaper as the most suitable English spelling. [OED]
The Germanic form of the word also is the source of Finnish keisari, Estonian keisar. The transferred sense of "person with dictatorial powers" is first recorded 1866, American English, initially in reference to President Andrew Johnson. The fem. czarina is 1717, from Italian czarina, from Ger. Zarin, fem. of Zar "czar." The Russian fem. form is tsaritsa. His son is tsarevitch, his daughter is tsarevna.




czar:[zɑː] n.(俄国)沙皇,皇帝,独裁者

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:czar 词源,czar 含义。




罗马统帅、政治家恺撤(Julius Caesar,l00 - 44BC)死后,他的姓Caesar一直被始自奥古斯都(Augusrus,63BC -14AD)的罗马历代皇帝用作帝王的称号。,其实这一称号一直保留至神圣罗马帝国灭亡为止,此后义为欧洲各国所采用,只是在拼法上有些小的变化。CaeSar 一词的德语形式为Kaiser,用以指“皇帝”,神圣罗马帝国皇帝和奥国、德国皇帝均用该词表示。15世纪时Laesar进入俄语,作tsar,也指“皇帝”,即“俄国沙皇”。czar原为波兰语拼写形式,系由Zsar演变而来。嗣后,czar和tsu,包括kaiser均被英语直接吸收。czar,tsar除了特指“俄国沙皇”,也喻指“独揽大权者”或“专制独裁者“,但czar似乎比tsar通用,面kajser除保留原先的特指意义外,偶而也指“行使绝对权威者”或“独裁者”。英语有一个医学术语Caesarian section(剖腹产手术)一般认为亦源出恺撒大帝的大名Caesar,因为据传说恺撒大帝系破膜产所生。