

cuckold: [13] Cuckold is a derivative of cuckoo, the cuckoo’s invasion of other birds’ nests perhaps being viewed as analogous to the stealing of a wife’s affections by another man. It is not an original English coinage, but was borrowed from an unrecorded Anglo-Norman *cucuald, a variant of Old French cucuault, which in turn was formed from cucu ‘cuckoo’ and the pejorative suffix -ault.
=> cuckoo
cuckold (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-13c., kukewald, from Old French cucuault, from cocu (see cuckoo) + pejorative suffix -ault, of Germanic origin. So called from the female bird's alleged habit of changing mates, or her authentic habit of leaving eggs in another bird's nest.

In Modern French the identity is more obvious: Coucou for the bird and cocu for the betrayed husband. German Hahnrei (13c.), from Low German, is of obscure origin. The second element seems to be connected to words for "ardent," and suggests perhaps "sexually aggressive hen," with transferal to humans, but Kluge suggests rather a connection to words for "capon" and "castrated." Related: Cuckoldry.
cuckold (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, from cuckold (n.). Related: Cuckolded; cuckolding.


cuckold:妻子有外遇的人n. 有不贞妻子的男人vt. 使 ... 戴绿帽子

杜鹃不筑巢,而是把其他鸟的卵吃掉或推出巢外,并把自己的卵产在其他鸟的巢中,由麻雀等鸟来为自己孵化和育雏。正是由于杜鹃这一孵卵寄生的特性,人们一向有种看法,认为雌杜鹃性喜易偶。据此英语用本义为“杜鹃”的cuckold 一词来喻指“妻子有外遇的人”。cuckold始用于13世纪,原作cokewold和cukeweld,它借自古法语cucuault,而cucuault则是由cucu‘cuckoo’加轻蔑后缀- ault构成。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:cuckold 词源,cuckold 含义。

