- crisscross

- crisscross: [16] Crisscross is an alteration of Christscrosse, a term used from the 16th to 18th centuries for the figure of a cross (not specifically, as the name would seem to suggest, the crucifix). Gradually the original signification of the first syllable came to be lost, and the term fell into the pattern of reduplicated words (such as flipflop, singsong) in which a syllable is repeated with variation of the vowel. This may have contributed to the broadening of the word’s meaning to ‘pattern of repeated crossings’, which happened in the 19th century.
- crisscross (v.)

- 1818, from Middle English crist(s)-crosse "Christ's cross" (late 15c.), earlier cros-kryst (late 14c.), "referring to the mark of a cross formerly written before the alphabet in hornbooks. The mark itself stood for the phrase Christ-cross me speed ('May Christ's cross give me success'), a formula said before reciting the alphabet" [Barnhart]. Used today without awareness of origin. As an adjective, 1846; as a noun, 1848.
中世纪的欧洲,供儿童学习字母和数字的角帖书(hornbook)上,在字母表的最前面通常画有一个十字标识,据说其含义是“愿基督的十字架赐予我成功”。中世纪的教育与宗教密不可分,通常只有神职人员才有机会接受教育,因此角帖书上有这么一个十字标识十分正常。这个十字标识被称为Christ's cross(基督的十字架),后来被缩略为crisscross,并衍生出“交叉”的含义。
crisscross: ['krɪs,krɒs] n.交叉,十字,矛盾adj.十字形的,交叉的adv.交叉地vt.画十字形于……,使……交叉成十字vi.交叉
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:crisscross 词源,crisscross 含义。
从16世纪后期到18世纪后期英国和美国通用一种人们称之为hornbook(角帖书)的儿童识字课本。实际上这只是一张印有字母表和数字等的书页,裱贴在木板上,上面覆盖透明角片( transparent sheet of horn)。木板形似乒乓球板,有一柄,通常挂在儿童的腰带上。字母表是当时的“家庭小学”(darne school)儿童上的第一课,印在羊皮纸角帖书的头一行。由于那时教育与宗教的关系密切,所以在字母表前面还印着一个小小的十字形记号,名为Christ-cross或Christ's cross。不久,印于首行的字母表被逐渐称为Christ-cross row。随后又演变为crisscross row,这或许是语言的重迭构词趋向的影响所致。最后,作为Christ-cross之变体的crisscross从原先的“十字形”一义引申出“交叉的”或“纵横交叉”等相关词义,既可用作名词和形容词,也可用作动词和副词,成为当代英语中较为常用的重迭词之一。