- country

- country: [13] Etymologically, the meaning of country is virtually ‘surroundings’. It originated in medieval Latin contrātus ‘lying on the opposite side’, an adjective formed from the proposition contrā ‘against, opposite’. This was used in the phrase terra contrāta ‘land opposite or before one, spread out around one’, and soon broke free to act as a noun in its own right.
In Old French it became cuntree, the form in which it was borrowed into English. Its original notion of ‘area of land’ had quickly become narrowed down to ‘district controlled or occupied by a particular people’, hence ‘nation’, but its use for ‘rural areas as opposed to cities’ does not seem to have developed until the 16th century. The compound countryside originated in Scotland and northern England, probably in the 17th century.
- country (n.)

- mid-13c., "district, native land," from Old French contree, from Vulgar Latin *(terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before one," from Latin contra "opposite, against" (see contra-). Sense narrowed 1520s to rural areas, as opposed to cities. Replaced Old English land. As an adjective from late 14c. First record of country-and-western music style is from 1942. Country club first recorded 1886. Country mile "a long way" is from 1915, American English.
来自counter-, 相对,原指相对于他国而言的本国土地,即国家。后相对于城市而言的土地,即乡村。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:country 词源,country 含义。
中古拉丁语contratus意为“位于对面的”,拉丁语词组terra contrata意为“前面或对面的土地,向四周绵延”,进入古法语为cuntree,进入英语就变成了country;其最初的意义“土地区域”变为“被特定的人控制或占领的土地”、“国家”,但其意义“乡下”是直到16世纪才出现的;其英语中的派生词countryside可能出现于17世纪。