- couch (v.)

- c. 1300, "to overlay with gold, inlay," from Old French couchier "to lay down, place; go to bed, put to bed," from Latin collocare "to lay, place, station, arrange," from com- "together" (see com-) + locare "to place" (see locate). Meaning "to put into words" is from 1520s. Related: Couched; couching. Heraldic couchant ("lying down with the head up") is late 15c., from the French present participle.
- couch (n.)

- mid-14c., from Old French couche (12c.) "a bed, lair," from coucher "to lie down," from Latin collocare (see couch (v.)). Traditionally, a couch has the head end only raised, and only half a back; a sofa has both ends raised and a full back; a settee is like a sofa but may be without arms; an ottoman has neither back nor arms, nor has a pan, the distinctive feature of which is that it goes against a wall. Couch potato first recorded 1979.
来自拉丁词collocare, 安排,布置,放下,词源同allocate。引申义沙发,床。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:couch 词源,couch 含义。