- consider

- consider: [14] Etymologically, consider means ‘observe the stars’. Amongst the most popular of ancient Roman methods of pination was astrology, and so the Latin verb consīderāre was coined (from the intensive prefix com- and sīdus ‘star’, source of English sidereal) to describe the activity of carefully noting the stars’ courses for the purpose of drawing auguries.
From ‘observing stars’ it soon broadened out in meaning to simply ‘observe’, and hence figuratively ‘think over something’, but the sense ‘have an opinion’ seems to be an English development of the 16th century. English acquired the word via Old French considerer, but borrowed considerable directly from Latin consīderābilis; the modern sense ‘large in amount’ arose in the mid-17th century, on the basis of an earlier ‘worthy of consideration because of great quantity’.
=> desire, sidereal - consider (v.)

- late 14c., from Old French considerer (13c.) "reflect on, consider, study," from Latin considerare "to look at closely, observe," perhaps literally "to observe the stars," from com- "with" (see com-) + sidus (genitive sideris) "constellation" (see sidereal).
Perhaps a metaphor from navigation, but more likely reflecting Roman obsession with pination by astrology. Tucker doubts the connection with sidus, however, because it is "quite inapplicable to desiderare," and suggests derivation instead from the PIE root of English side meaning "stretch, extend," and a sense for the full word of "survey on all sides" or "dwell long upon." Related: Considered; considering.
consider:[kən'sɪdə] v.考虑,思索,细想
sidereal:[saɪ'dɪərɪəl] adj.恒星的,星星的
siderite: ['saɪdəraɪt; 'sɪd-] n.菱铁矿,陨铁。记:sider铁+ite矿石→菱铁矿
siderolite:['saɪdərəlaɪt] n.铁陨石。记:sider铁,星星+lite小东西→掉下来的小星星→铁陨石
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:consider 词源,consider 含义。
con-, 强调。-sider, 星,词源同star, sidereal. 古义指星相学看星占卜,并通过星辰移位来思考预测人间万事。比较disaster, 星位不正,空难。
古人往往借观察星象,推测人事的吉凶祸福。consider一词源于拉丁语中的占卜用词considerare(com-‘with’+sidus 'star’),原合observe the stars(观测星辰)之义,以后泛指“观察”、“审视”。从它当今使用的“考虑”、“认为”、“顾及”等必我们多少可以找出其中的联系。
来源于拉丁语considerare, 经由古法语considerer传入英语为consider。considerare由前缀com-和sidus(星)组成,指“观察星宿”,后续发展的意义还有“观察”、“仔细考虑某事”等,“看法”的意义是进入英语后16世纪出现的。而英语considerable却是直接借用于拉丁语considerabilis, 由“量大值得考虑”的意义发展为“大量的”。
同源词:considerable, considerate, consideration, considering, desire, desirable, desirous, desirability, sidereal, undesirable