- commissary (n.)

- mid-14c., "one to whom special duty is entrusted by a higher power," from Medieval Latin commissarius, from Latin commissus "entrusted," past participle of committere (see commit). Originally ecclesiastical; the military sense of "official in charge of supply of food, stores, transport" dates to late 15c. Hence "storeroom" (1882) and "dining room in a larger facility" (1929, American English).
com-, 强调。-miss, 派遣,词源同mission. 原指委任以重要任务的,特殊职责的。现词义带有戏谑成分。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:commissary 词源,commissary 含义。
词根词缀: com-共同 + -miss-送,派 + -ary名词词尾