- cobra

- cobra: [19] Cobra is a shortening of Portuguese cobra de capella, which came into English in India in the 17th century. This meant literally ‘snake with a hood’: cobra from Latin colubra ‘snake’ and capella (referring of course to the ‘hood’ it makes when agitated, by spreading out the skin at the side of its head) from Vulgar Latin *cappellus ‘little cape’, from late Latin cappa ‘hood’.
=> cap, cape, chapel, chaperon - cobra (n.)

- 1802, short for cobra capello (1670s), from Portuguese cobra de capello "serpent (of the hood)," from Latin colubra "a snake, female serpent" (source of French couleuvre "adder"), which is of uncertain origin. So called for the expandable loose skin about its neck. The word came to English via Portuguese colonies in India, where the native name is nag (see naga).
来自拉丁词colubra, 蛇。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:cobra 词源,cobra 含义。