- clementine (n.)

- "cross between tangerine and sour orange," 1926, from French clémentine (1902). Originally an accidental hybrid said to have been discovered by (and named for) Father Clement Rodier in the garden of his orphanage in Misserghin, near Oran, Algeria. Introduced into U.S. and grown at Citrus Research Center in Riverside, Calif., as early as 1909.
- Clementine (adj.)

- 1705, in reference to various popes who took the name Clement (see clement (adj.)), especially of the edition of the Vulgate issued due to Pope Clement V (1309-14).
- Clementine

- fem. proper name, from fem. of Clement (see clement (adj.)).
来自Clement,仁慈的,用作神父称号。因最早由19 世纪法国传教士Clement Rodier 在非洲 果园杂交而成而得名。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:clementine 词源,clementine 含义。