- class

- class: [16] Latin classis originally denoted ‘the people of Rome under arms, the ancient Roman army’; it appears to come from an earlier unrecorded *qladtis, a derivative of the base *qel- ‘call’, which points to an underlying sense ‘call to arms’. Under the terms of the constitution attributed to Servius Tullius, a 6thcentury BC king of Rome, the army, and hence the people, was pided into six such classes, membership of each based originally on the amount of land held, and latterly on wealth in money terms.
English first adopted the word in this antiquarian sense (which provided the basis for the modern application to social class), but its widespread use in the language probably began in the sense ‘group of pupils’. The derivatives classic [17] and classical [16] come from Latin classicus, probably via French classique; in Latin, the adjective signified ‘of the highest class of Roman citizen’, whence the word’s presentday approbatory connotations.
- class (n.)

- c. 1600, "group of students," from French classe (14c.), from Latin classis "a class, a pision; army, fleet," especially "any one of the six orders into which Servius Tullius pided the Roman people for the purpose of taxation;" traditionally originally "the people of Rome under arms" (a sense attested in English from 1650s), and thus akin to calare "to call (to arms)," from PIE root *kele- (2) "to shout" (see claim (v.)). In early use in English also in Latin form classis.
School and university sense of "course, lecture" (1650s) is from the notion of a form or lecture reserved to scholars who had attained a certain level. Natural history sense is from 1753. Meaning "a pision of society according to status" (upper, lower, etc.) is from 1772. Meaning "high quality" is from 1847. Class-consciousness (1903) is from German klassenbewusst. - class (v.)

- 1705, "to pide into classes," from class (n.) or French classer. Sense of "to place into a class" is from 1776. Related: Classed; classing.
古罗马王政时期的第六位国王塞尔维乌斯·图利乌斯(Servius Tullius)推行一系列军事和政治改革。其中一项改革是对所有罗马居民进行财产普查,根据财产多寡将所有人划分为六个classis(等级)。每个等级须为军队提供数目不等的“森图里亚”(Centuria,百人队)。第1等级提供98个森图里亚,其中包括18个骑兵森图里亚和80个重装步兵森图里亚;第 2、3、4等级各出20个步兵森图里亚;第5等级出30个轻装步兵森图里亚。另外,工匠和号手各组织2个森图里亚,无产者提供1个森图里亚。合计共193个森图里亚。共193个森图里亚。不同等级的森图里亚的人数不相等,武器装备也有所不同。
class:[klɑːs] n.阶级,等级,班级,类别vt.分类,把……分等级,把……归入某等级vi.属于某等级
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:class 词源,class 含义。
同源词:classic, classical, classify, classified, classification
来自PIE*kele,呼喊,呼叫,词源同call,claim.最早来自公元前6 世纪古罗马具有传奇色彩的 伟大首领Servius Tullius 对公民的财产,地位,收入等进行评估(参照census 词源),并依 据评估结果对公民划分社会阶级(classify),最终形成6 个阶级。前5 个阶级具有响应国家 军事号召参军入伍的资格,而最低等的阶级即马克思理论的无产阶级(参照proletarian 词源) 是不具有这种资格的,他们唯一的使命是为罗马帝国繁衍后代,在罗马帝国新占领的领土上 移民聚居。这一改革的结果废除了古罗马原有的3 个部落氏族(参照tribe 词源),使罗马 由氏族部落过渡到奴隶社会,军事实力大增。并引申诸多词义。