- circus

- circus: [16] Latin circus meant literally ‘ring, circle’, but it was applied metaphorically by the Romans to the circular arena in which performances and contests were held. That was the original signification of the word in English, applied in a strictly antiquarian sense to the ancient world, and it was not until the late 18th century that it began to be used for any circular arena and the entertainment staged therein.
The Latin word is related to, and may have come from, Greek kírkos; and it is also connected with Latin curvus, source of English curve. It has additionally been linked with Latin corōna ‘circlet’, from which English gets crown. And it is of course, via its accusative form circum, the starting point of a wide range of English words with the prefix circum-, from circumference to circumvent (in this category is circuit [14], which goes back to an original Latin compound verb circumīre, literally ‘go round’).
=> circle, circuit, circulate, crown, curve, search - circus (n.)

- late 14c., in reference to ancient Rome, from Latin circus "ring, circular line," which was applied by Romans to circular arenas for performances and contests and oval courses for racing (especially the Circus Maximus), from or cognate with Greek kirkos "a circle, a ring," from PIE *kirk- from root *(s)ker- (3) "to turn, bend" (see ring (n.)).
In reference to modern large arenas for performances from 1791; sense then extended to the performing company, hence "traveling show" (originally traveling circus, 1838). Extended in World War I to squadrons of military aircraft. Meaning "lively uproar, chaotic hubbub" is from 1869. Sense in Picadilly Circus and other place names is from early 18c. sense "buildings arranged in a ring," also "circular road." The adjective form is circensian.
英语单词circus(马戏)直接来自拉丁语,等于“ring”,表示“圆形场地”,与circle(圆形)同源。马戏与圆形场地有什么关系呢?原来,现代马戏发源于英国。1768年,一名英国退役军人Philip Astley在伦敦的Westminster桥附近开办了一家骑术学校。在这里,他上午传授骑术,下午表演各种惊人的马上技巧。表演场地就在学校中的一块圆形竞技场中,Philip Astley将其称为circus。后来,表演骑术的杂技人员都借鉴了Philip Astley的做法,在特别设计的圆形场地中表演骑术,既便于骑师在马上保持平衡,又便于观众始终能够看到骑师的表演。慢慢地,circus一词的含义就从供马术表演的场地变成了马术表演本身。现代马戏就是在马术表演的基础上不断扩充丰富内容而成的,因此沿用了circus这个单词。
circus:['sɜːkəs] n.马戏表演,马戏团
circle:['sɜːk(ə)l] n.圆,圈,环,循环,周期v.画圆,绕圈,循环,旋转
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:circus 词源,circus 含义。
有人认为近代西方马戏起源于古希腊的竞技场,但大多数学者认为起源于古罗马的竞技场和圆形剧场,因为马戏表演在古罗马时代已相当流行。英语中表示“马戏”的circus 一词是16世纪时直接借自意为ring(环,圈)的拉丁语circus,最初指“圆形场地”。现在不时见到的three-ring circus(三个场地可同时表演的大马戏场)一语从字面义讲其实即相当于three-ring ring。1782年一位名叫休斯的英国骑师创立了英国皇家马戏团。自此以后,circus 一词才开始用于“马戏”、“马戏团”及“马戏场”等义,后来也常用以指“环形广场”或“环形交叉口”,如Oxford Circus(牛津广场),Piccadilly Circus(皮卡迪利广场)等,但后一种用法仅限于英国英语,美国英语多用circle。实际上,circle及其相关词circular(圆形的,环绕的),circulate(循环,流通)等可以说也都源于拉丁词circus 。
词根词缀: -circ-圆 + -us名词词尾