- churn

- churn: [OE] It has been speculated that the term churn is based on the granular appearance cream takes on as it is stirred or agitated. The Old English noun cyrin comes from a prehistoric Germanic *kernjōn, which may be related to English corn and kernel and Latin grānum ‘grain’. The derived verb churn is a comparatively late creation, not appearing until the 15th century.
=> corn, grain, kernel - churn (n.)

- Old English cyrin, from Proto-Germanic *kernjon (cognates: Old Norse kirna, Swedish kärna, Danish kjerne, Dutch karn, Middle High German kern); probably akin to cyrnel "kernel" (see kernel) and describing the "grainy" appearance of churned cream.
- churn (v.)

- mid-15c., chyrnen, from churn (n.). Extended senses are from late 17c. Intransitive sense is from 1735. Related: Churned; churning. To churn out, of writing, is from 1902.
词源可能同grain, 谷物,颗粒,因奶油剧烈搅拌后颗粒状的外观而引申此词义。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:churn 词源,churn 含义。