- cheap

- cheap: [16] The adjectival use of cheap in English is quite recent, but the word itself goes back a long way. Its ultimate source is the Latin noun caupō ‘tradesman’, which was borrowed into Germanic in prehistoric times. Among its descendants were German kaufen ‘buy’, Old English cēapian ‘trade’ (the possible source of chop, as in ‘chop and change’), and the Old English noun cēap ‘trade’.
In Middle English times this came to be used in such phrases as good chepe, meaning ‘good bargain’, and by the 16th century an adjectival sense ‘inexpensive’ had developed. The original sense ‘trade’ is preserved in the personal name Chapman, which until the 19th century was an ordinary noun meaning ‘trader’ (it is the source of chap ‘fellow’).
=> chap, chop - cheap (adj.)

- "low in price, that may be bought at small cost," c. 1500, ultimately from Old English noun ceap "traffic, a purchase," from ceapian (v.) "trade," probably from an early Germanic borrowing from Latin caupo "petty tradesman, huckster" (see chapman).
The sense evolution is from the noun meaning "a barter, a purchase" to "a purchase as rated by the buyer," hence adjectival meaning "inexpensive," the main modern sense, via Middle English phrases such as god chep "favorable bargain" (12c., a translation of French a bon marché).
Sense of "lightly esteemed, common" is from 1590s (compare similar evolution of Latin vilis). The meaning "low in price" was represented in Old English by undeor, literally "un-dear" (but deop ceap, literally "deep cheap," meant "high price").
The word also was used in Old English for "market" (as in ceapdæg "market day"), a sense surviving in place names Cheapside, East Cheap, etc. Related: Cheaply. Expression on the cheap is first attested 1888. Cheap shot originally was U.S. football jargon for a head-on tackle; extended sense "unfair hit" in politics, etc. is by 1970. German billig "cheap" is from Middle Low German billik, originally "fair, just," with a sense evolution via billiger preis "fair price," etc.
来自拉丁词caupo, 小商人,叫卖者,后来词义贬义化。其原词义见Copenhagen, chapman.
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:cheap 词源,cheap 含义。
在现代英语中作形容词用的cheap原本是个名词,中世纪作ceap,表示“贸易”。cheap的这一古义现还残存于伦敦一街名Cheapside,中世纪该街因店铺林立且食品市场坐落于此而闻名遐迩。16世纪时英语有个常用短语good cheap,意思是good bargain(上算的交易,便宜的东西)。形容词cheap正是出自good cheap这一短语,cheap的今义“廉价的”,“便宜的”也是由此产生的。然而,当今之世在许多人看来便宜即劣质,因而cheap 一词也常被赋予从“劣质的”、“低劣的”到“吝啬的”,“小气的”等一系列贬抑词义。人们往往避免用cheap而代之以inexpensive(价钱不贵的,花钱不多的),affordable(买得起的)等委婉词。(参见chap)