- cantaloupe

- cantaloupe: [18] The cantaloupe melon was introduced into Europe from Armenia. The place where the newcomer was first cultivated is said to have been a former summer estate of the popes near Rome called Cantaluppi – whence the name. Both the name and the fruit had made their way to France by the 15th century, but neither seems to have arrived permanently in England until the early 18th century.
- cantaloupe (n.)

- also cantaloup, 1739, from French, from Italian, from Cantalupo, name of a former Papal summer estate near Rome, where the melons first were grown in Europe after their introduction (supposedly from Armenia). The place name seems to be "singing wolf" and might refer to a spot where wolves gathered, but this might be folk etymology.
因产自意大利Cantalupo而得名。俗词源认为该地名来自cant, 唱,吟唱,-lupo, 狼,词源同wolf, 即狼出没之地。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:cantaloupe 词源,cantaloupe 含义。
该词由法语衍生而来,是意大利语 Cantalupo ,一个坐落在罗马附近的教廷县的名字。一般认为该县是欧洲最早种植由古亚美尼亚引进的哈密瓜的地方。英语中最早出现 Cantaloupe一词是在苏格兰植物学家菲利普·米勒所著的“园丁词典”第二卷(1691-1771)。俗词源认为该地名来自 cant, 唱,吟唱, -lupo, 狼,词源同 wolf, 即狼出没之地。