- cancer

- cancer: [14] Cancer comes from Latin cancer, which meant literally ‘crab’. It was a translation of Greek karkínos ‘crab’, which, together with its derivative karkínōma (source of English carcinoma [18]) was, according to the ancient Greek physician Galen, applied to tumours on account of the crablike pattern formed by the distended blood vessels around the affected part.
Until the 17th century, the term generally used for the condition in English was canker, which arose from an earlier borrowing of Latin cancer in Old English times; before then, cancer had been used exclusively in the astrological sense. The French derivative of Latin cancer, chancre, was borrowed into English in the 16th century for ‘syphilitic ulcer’.
=> canker, carcinoma - cancer (n.)

- Old English cancer "spreading sore, cancer" (also canceradl), from Latin cancer "a crab," later, "malignant tumor," from Greek karkinos, which, like the Modern English word, has three meanings: crab, tumor, and the zodiac constellation (late Old English), from PIE root *qarq- "to be hard" (like the shell of a crab); cognates: Sanskrit karkatah "crab," karkarah "hard;" and perhaps cognate with PIE root *qar-tu- "hard, strong," source of English hard.
Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, among others, noted similarity of crabs to some tumors with swollen veins. Meaning "person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer" is from 1894. The sun being in Cancer at the summer solstice, the constellation had association in Latin writers with the south and with summer heat. Cancer stick "cigarette" is from 1959.
cancer: ['kænsə] n.恶性肿瘤,癌症;螃蟹
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:cancer 词源,cancer 含义。
来自PIE *kar, 硬,词源同hard. 字母n,r音变。
该词原系拉丁语,字面义为crab(蟹)。从古罗马时代起,Cancer(首字母大写)就一直是一个星座的名称,在英语中亦称Crab.汉译作“巨蟹座”。据罗马神话,天上本来无此星座。大力神赫拉克勒斯( Hercules)大战九头蛇(Hydra)时,天后朱诺(Juno)派了Cancer去扔助九头蛇作战。Cancer把赫拉克勒斯的脚咬了一口,但终被对方所杀,朱诺便把它带到了天上。
在医学中,cancer却是一个令人谈虎色变的字眼,作“癌”解。为什么这个原义为“蟹”的字眼后来竞被用来指一种可怕的病症呢?有人认为,这可能是因为螃蟹伸足缓缦,左右横行的缘故。古希腊医师盖仑(Claudius Galen,130? - 2007)则认为发生在肿瘤部位周围的静脉扩张恰似蟹足,cancer因而得名。据此,cancer的词义又进一步延伸为“(会扩散遗害的)弊端”或“痼疾”。