- camp

- camp: [16] Latin campus meant ‘open field’. It branched out into various more specialized meanings. One of them, for example, was ‘battle field’: this was borrowed into the Germanic languages as ‘battle’ (German has kampf, for instance, as in the title of Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf ‘My struggle’). Another was ‘place for military exercises’, and this seems to have developed, in the word’s passage via Italian campo and French camp, to ‘place where troops are housed’.
English got the word from French. Camp ‘mannered, effeminate’ [20] is presumably a different word, but its origins are obscure. Latin campus itself was adopted in English in the 18th century for the ‘grounds of a college’. It was originally applied to Princeton university in the USA.
=> campaign, champion, decamp, scamp - camp (n.)

- "place where an army lodges temporarily," 1520s, from French camp, from Italian campo, from Latin campus "open field, level space" (also source of French champ; see campus), especially "open space for military exercise."
A later reborrowing of the Latin word, which had been taken up in early West Germanic as *kampo-z and appeared originally in Old English as camp "contest, battle, fight, war." This was obsolete by mid-15c. Transferred to non-military senses 1550s. Meaning "body of adherents of a doctrine or cause" is 1871. Camp-follower first attested 1810. Camp-meeting is from 1809, originally usually in reference to Methodists. Camp-fever (1758) is any epidemic fever incident to life in a camp, especially typhus or typhoid.
- camp (adj.)

- "tasteless," 1909, homosexual slang, of uncertain origin, perhaps from mid-17c. French camper "to portray, pose" (as in se camper "put oneself in a bold, provocative pose"); popularized 1964 by Susan Sontag's essay "Notes on Camp." Campy is attested from 1959.
- camp (v.)

- "to encamp," 1540s, from camp (n.). Related: Camped; camping. Camping out is attested from 1834, American English.
camp:[kæmp] n.v.露营,野营,扎营
campus:['kæmpəs] n.校园
campaign:[kæm'peɪn] n.战役,运动,竞选活动
champion: ['tʃæmpɪən] n.冠军,优胜者;战士;拥护者adj.优胜的vt.支持,拥护
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:camp 词源,camp 含义。
来自PIE *kamp, 弯,围,即围起来的一块平地,原义也指战场。
古罗马军队常常在旷野上扎营操练。英语里现表示“军营”、“营地”等义的camp 一词原先就有“旷野”之义,它源自拉丁语campus 'field’(旷野,场地)。出自这一拉丁词源的还有campaign(战役),campus(校园),champion(冠军,斗士),decamp(撒营,逃亡)等词。古时的campaign通常也是在旷野上进行的,而campaign词本身则是转由法语campagne‘open country’(空旷的地方)演化而来。campus虽被直接吸收用以指“校园”,但仍不失其原义field(场地)。champion乃运动场上的胜利者,多多少少保留了field的含义。decamp系camp加上前缀de-(表示“离开”)所构成。
来源于拉丁语campus, campi, m(战场,原野)。
-camp-田野,场所 → camp