- caesarian

- caesarian: [17] The application of the adjective caesarian to the delivery of a baby by surgical incision through the abdomen and womb arises from the legend that Julius Caesar (c. 100–44 BC) himself or an earlier ancestor of his was born in this way. The name Caesar comes from the Latin phrase a caeso mātrisūtere, literally ‘from the mother’s cut womb’ (caesus was the past participle of the Latin verb caedere ‘cut’, from which English gets concise, incise, precise, etc). The abbreviation caesar for ‘caesarian section’ is mid 20th-century.
=> concise, incise, precise - caesarian (n.)

- 1923, shortening of Caesarian section (1610s); supposedly from Caius Julius Caesar, who was said to have been delivered surgically, thus legend traces his cognomen to Latin caesus past participle of caedere "to cut" (see -cide).
But if this is the etymology of the name, it was likely an ancestor who was so born (Caesar's mother lived to see his triumphs and such operations would have been fatal to the woman in ancient times). And Pliny derives his cognomen from caesaries "head of hair," because the future dictator was born with a full one. Caesarian section may come directly from caesus.
在英语中,“剖腹产”称为“caesarian section”。其中,caesarian与凯撒大帝的名字Caesar很接近。因此,有传说凯撒大帝是剖腹产出生的,所以得名Caesar,源自拉丁语caedere(cut,切割)的过去式caesus。所以在日语中,“剖腹产”直接被翻译成了“帝王切开术”。
caesarian:[si'zεəriən] n.剖腹产的,凯撒的,帝王的
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:caesarian 词源,caesarian 含义。