- buy

- buy: [OE] Buy has relatives in most other Germanic languages, with the exception of German, and can be traced back to a prehistoric Germanic *bugjan (the Old English form was bycgan), but no non-Germanic connections have ever been identified
- buy (v.)

- Old English bycgan (past tense bohte) "to buy, pay for, acquire; redeem, ransom; procure; get done," from Proto-Germanic *bugjan (cognates: Old Saxon buggjan, Old Norse byggja, Gothic bugjan), which is of unknown origin and not found outside Germanic.
The surviving spelling is southwest England dialect; the word was generally pronounced in Old English and Middle English with a -dg- sound as "budge," or "bidge." Meaning "believe, accept as true" first recorded 1926. Related: Bought; buying. To buy time "prevent further deterioration but make no improvement" is attested from 1946. - buy (n.)

- "a purchase," especially a worthwhile one, 1879, American English, from buy (v.).
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:buy 词源,buy 含义。