- burke

- burke: [19] In present-day English burke means ‘avoid’, as in ‘burke an issue’, but it can be traced back semantically via ‘suppress, hush up’ to ‘suffocate so as to provide a body for surgical dissection’. In this sense it was a macabre adoption of the name of William Burke (1792– 1829), an Irishman who with his colleague William Hare set up a profitable but nefarious business in early 19th-century Edinburgh providing cadavers for surgeons to dissect.
To begin with they obtained their supplies by robbing graves, but eventually, in order to get higher-quality material, they took to murdering people, generally by suffocation or strangling. Burke was executed.
- Burke (v.)

- family name (first recorded 1066), from Anglo-Norman pronunciation of Old English burgh. Not common in England itself, but it took root in Ireland, where William de Burgo went in 1171 with Henry II and later became Earl of Ulster. As shorthand for a royalty reference book, it represents "A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom," first issued 1826, compiled by John Burke (1787-1848). As a verb meaning "murder by smothering," it is abstracted from William Burk, executed in Edinburgh 1829 for murdering several persons to sell their bodies for dissection.
19世纪初,在英国发生了一起骇人听闻的凶杀案。当时,随着医学的快速发展,对共医学解剖用的尸体的需求激增。当时有个名叫威廉·伯克(William Burke)的爱尔兰人,移居到苏格兰的爱丁堡,居住在他同乡威廉·黑尔(William Hare)所经营的公寓内。
在执行绞刑时,愤怒的围观群众纷纷大叫“burke him!”,意思是用伯克的作案手法来捂死他。从此以后,伯克凭此凶杀案而遗臭万年,甚至进入了电影,同时还为英语词汇添加了burke这一单词,表示“捂死”之义,后来又引申出“悄然平息”等意思。
burke:[bə:k] vt.捂死,使窒息而死,秘密除去,悄然平息
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:burke 词源,burke 含义。
burke:压制,悄然平息vt. 秘密镇压
19世纪初英国发生了一起骇人听闻的谋杀案。凶手的名字叫William Burke (1792 - 1829)。Burke本是个爱尔兰挖土工,1817年移居苏格兰,1827年在爱丁堡开了一家旧衣店。他从同乡William Hare经营的公寓租用了一间房。11月29日公寓内一领取养老金的老人死亡。Burke伙同Hare将其尸体从棺木里偷出,以7英镑10先令卖给外科医师Robert Knox。当时解剖学刚刚开始作为一门科学受到重视,因而对尸体的需求量很大。以后连续数月他们诱骗了至少15名过路的酒鬼、妓女等来投宿,先将他们灌醉、闷死,且不留下暴力痕迹,然后将尸体卖给Knox的解剖学校供解剖用,最后因谋害一当地妇女事发。Hare揭发同案犯罪行后获释,从此销声匿迹。Burke则以杀人罪受审后被处绞刑。1829年元月28日Burke被带上绞刑台,约有3万人在那里围观,人群中不断发出“Burke him,Burke him!”的呼喊声,意思是要行刑人闷死他,而不是绞死他。从此以后,这个遭万人唾骂的名字就这样地进入了英语词语的行列,被用作动词,表示“使窒息而死(以得到不留伤痕的尸体供出卖解剖用)”,以后又引申出“压制(调查)”、“悄然平息(谣言)”等义。