- bugle

- bugle: [14] Bugle originally meant ‘buffalo’ or ‘bull’. It comes via Old French bugle from Latin būculus, a diminutive form of bos ‘ox’ (a relative of English cow). It was used from the early 14th century in the compound bugle-horn, denoting a bull’s horn used either as a drinking vessel or as a hunting horn, and it was not long before bugle took on a separate life of its own in the ‘musical horn’ sense.
=> cow - bugle (n.)

- mid-14c., abbreviation of buglehorn "musical horn, hunting horn" (c. 1300), from Old French bugle "(musical) horn," also "wild ox, buffalo," from Latin buculus "heifer, young ox," diminutive of bos "ox, cow" (see cow (n.)). Middle English also had the word in the "buffalo" sense and it survived in dialect with meaning "young bull." Modern French bugle is a 19c. borrowing from English.
- bugle (v.)

- 1852, from bugle (n.). Related: Bugled; bugling (1847). Also compare bugler.
来自拉丁词bos, 牛,词源同bovine. 指牛角做的军号。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:bugle 词源,bugle 含义。
在古罗马时代号角是用小公牛的角做的。小公牛在拉丁语中叫buculus,该词到了古法语变作bugle。l3世纪末bugle又为英语所吸收,和horn(角)一词结合为bugle horn,用以指“军号”或“号角”。以后horn被略去,其用bugle一词来表示。现在号角虽然已不再用牛角来做,但bugle这一名称却保留沿用了下来。其实horn也可指“号角”。我们若不追根溯源怎会想到bugle的原始意义竟是“小公牛”呢?