- buffalo

- buffalo: [16] English probably acquired buffalo from Portuguese bufalo, originally naming the ‘water buffalo’, Bubalis bubalis, a large oxlike animal of Asia and Africa, and subsequently extended to the ‘Cape buffalo’ of South Africa, Syncerus caffer. The Portuguese word came from late Latin bufalus, an alteration of Latin bubalus, which was borrowed from Greek boúbalos. The Greek word, which seems to have named a type of African gazelle, may have been formed from bous ‘ox’. The application of the word to the North American bison, which is still regarded as ‘incorrect’, dates from the late 18th century.
=> buff - buffalo (n.)

- 1580s (earlier buffel, 1510s, from Middle French), from Portuguese bufalo "water buffalo," from Latin bufalus, variant of bubalus "wild ox," from Greek boubalos "buffalo," originally a kind of African antelope, later used of a type of domesticated ox in southern Asia and the Mediterranean lands, perhaps from bous "ox, cow" (see cow (n.)). Wrongly applied since 1630s to the American bison. Buffalo gnat is recorded from 1822.
- Buffalo

- city in western New York state, U.S., of disputed origin (there never were buffalo thereabouts), perhaps from the name of a native chief, or a corruption of French beau fleuve "beautiful river." Buffalo wings finger food so called because the recipe was invented in Buffalo (1964, at Frank & Teressa's Anchor Bar on Main Street).
- buffalo (v.)

- "alarm, overawe," 1900, from buffalo (n.). Probably from the animals' tendency to mass panic. Related: Buffaloed; buffaloing.
英语单词buffalo本来指的是水牛。欧洲殖民者到达北美洲后,发现北美洲有大量野牛(American bison)。殖民者以前没见过这种牛,就将其误称为buffalo。后来人们虽然知道这种说法是错误的,但已经习惯成自然了。所以当你看到buffal一词时,需要注意区分该词出现的地区。如果是在欧洲,指的是“水牛”,如果是在北美,指的是“北美野牛”。
北美野牛曾经是当地印第安人主要的经济支柱。欧洲殖民者到达北美时,曾经大肆捕杀北美野牛。曾经有一位猎手以善于捕杀北美野牛而闻名,被称为“Buffalo Bill”(野牛比尔)。美国纽约州西部有座城市叫做Buffalo(水牛城),就是因为此地盛产北美野牛,曾经是印第安人的狩猎之地。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:buffalo 词源,buffalo 含义。
词源同bov, 牛,见bovine, 牛的。
源自葡萄牙语bufalo,一般指“水牛”(包括亚洲的和非洲的)。18世纪欧洲殖民者到北美时,把北美野牛( bison)和水牛混同起来,就将北美野牛也称为buffalo。尽管许多人认为这是一种误称,但buffalo一直作为北美野牛的俗称沿用至今。欧洲人到达美洲时,北美野牛多达六千万头,是平原印第安人经济的主要支柱,以后向西部移动的白人任意屠杀北美野牛为乐,或取用其皮、肉,有的仅为取食其舌。当时有一位猎人William Fredrick Cody因其善捕野牛,将牛肉供应修筑太平洋大铁路的工人,人称Buffalo Bill(野牛比尔)。到1900年前后,北美野牛已趋绝迹。这些野牛虽然体大,但极敏捷,稍遇惊扰即行逃窜。猎人们要捕获它们就得施用诡计,迷惑乃至恐吓它们使其落人圈套,再成群地加以擒杀。据此,buffalo一词常被猎人们用作动词,表示“迷惑”、“恐吓”等义,约在1880年左右即已进入英语,成为英语词汇的一分子。