

buff: [16] Buff originally meant ‘buffalo’; it was presumably an alteration of the French word buffe ‘buffalo’. That sense had died out by the early 18th century, but since then the word has undergone a bizarre series of semantic changes. First, it came to mean ‘leather’, originally from buffalo hides, but later from ox hides. This was commonly used in the 16th and 17th centuries for making military uniforms, so be in buff came to mean ‘be in the army’.

Then in the 17th century the associations of ‘hide’ and ‘skin’ led to the expression in the buff ‘naked’. The colour of buff leather, a sort of dull yellowish-brown, led to the word’s adoption in the 18th century as a colour term. In the 19th century, soft buff or suede leather was used for the small pads or wheels used by silversmiths, watchmakers, etc for polishing: hence the verb buff ‘polish’.

And finally, in the 1820s New York City volunteer firemen were known as ‘buffs’, from the colour of their uniforms; thus anyone who was a volunteer or enthusiastic for something became known as a buff (as in ‘film buff’). The buff of blind-man’s buff is a different word. It meant ‘blow, punch’, and was borrowed in the 15th century from Old French buffe, source also of English buffet ‘blow’ [13].

The term blind-man’s buff is first recorded around 1600, some what later than its now obsolete synonym hoodman blind.

=> buffalo, buffet
buff (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1570s, buffe leather "leather made of buffalo hide," from Middle French buffle "buffalo" (15c., via Italian, from Latin bufalus; see buffalo (n.)).

The color term comes from the hue of buffalo hides (later ox hides). Association of "hide" and "skin" led c. 1600 to in the buff. Buff-colored uniforms of New York City volunteer firefighters since 1820s led to meaning "enthusiast" (1903).
The Buffs are men and boys whose love of fires, fire-fighting and firemen is a predominant characteristic. [N.Y. "Sun," Feb. 4, 1903]
buff (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"well-built, hunky," 1980s, from buff (v.) "polish, make attractive."
buff (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to polish, make attractive," 1885, in reference to the treatment of buff leather or else to the use of buff cloth in polishing metals, from buff (n.). Related: Buffed; buffing.




消防员是很多人小时候所崇拜的偶像,因此,很多人看到火灾发生时,都会赶到火灾现场,观看消防队员灭火,甚至在外围提供一些协助。为了表达对消防队员的崇拜,他们往往也会穿上跟消防队员制服相似的黄色牛皮衣。因此,消防队员就把这种身穿黄色牛皮衣的消防爱好者戏称为buffalo(水牛),后来逐渐简写为buff,表示“爱好者”,相当于英语单词fan(爱好者,粉丝)。刚开始buff专指“消防爱好者”,但后来buff词义扩大,可以泛指各种“爱好者”,所以就用fire buff来表示“消防爱好者”。

美国很多地方都有fire buff society(消防爱好者协会),就像是球迷协会一样,他们会参与各种与消防有关的活动,如帮当地消防站募捐等。在路上听到消防车的警笛声,他们往往会兴高采烈地追着消防车来到火灾现场,像观看体育巨星比赛一样观看消防队员灭火。消防队员在灭火时对这帮粉丝挺头疼的,因为他们的围观可能妨碍灭火工作甚至带来危险。

buff: [bʌf] n.柔软的水牛皮;像水牛皮那样的浅黄色;爱好者vt.用软皮摩擦;擦亮,抛光;缓冲

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:buff 词源,buff 含义。


来自buffalo leather, 水牛皮,黄褐色。爱好者义来自美国历史上1820年纽约志愿者救火队的制服颜色,这群志愿者在当时享有非常大的声誉。


该词源自法语buffe/buffle‘buffalo’(野牛),故其原始词义亦为“野牛”,但此义到了18世纪初就已丧失。buff最初也指“(用水牛或黄牛皮制的坚韧柔软的)暗黄皮革”,以后喻指“(人的)皮肤”,尤用于短语in the buff(赤身棵体),也喻指“米色”“暗黄色”等。但这些均为旧义。在美语中更为常用、更为普遍的词义是“爱好者”、“热心者”,如tennis buff(网球爱好者),rnovie buff(电影迷)。关于buff这一词义的产生,有以下一段掌故。



在严寒的冬天,许多青年消防队员身穿黄牛皮( buffalo skin)上衣,用以防湿保暖。警报一响,甚而周围城市居民也奔来救援,同样身着黄牛皮上衣。这些义务消防队员所到之处人们无不交口赞誉。由于他们身着黄牛皮上衣,大家亲切地管他们叫fire buff,意即“热心救火的人”。(注意勿与另一短语fire bug相混,后者意义截然相反:“纵火狂”)

由此可见,buff这一旧词获得新义主要归因于buffalo 一词。实际上早先的buff也可以说是取自buffalo头一音节的。随着时间的推移,buff的词义不再囿于救火一事,在口语中凡对某事热心者或对某一事物上谜者均可用它表示,词义显然扩大得多了。