

budget: [15] Originally, a budget was a ‘pouch’. English got the word from Old French bougette, which was a diminutive form of bouge ‘leather bag’ (from which we get bulge). This came from Latin bulga, which may have been of Gaulish origin (medieval Irish bolg ‘bag’ has been compared). The word’s financial connotations arose in the 18th century, the original notion being that the government minister concerned with treasury affairs opened his budget, or wallet, to reveal what fiscal measures he had in mind.

The first reference to the expression occurs in a pamphlet called The budget opened 1733 directed against Sir Robert Walpole: ‘And how is this to be done? Why by an Alteration only of the present Method of collecting the publick Revenues … So then, out it comes at last. The Budget is opened; and our State Empirick hath dispensed his packets by his Zany Couriers through all parts of the Kingdom … I do not pretend to understand this Art of political Legerdemain’.

The earliest recorded use of the word non-satirically in this sense seems to be from 1764.

=> bulge
budget (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to include in a (fiscal) budget," 1884, from budget (n.). Related: Budgeted; budgeting.
budget (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "leather pouch," from Middle French bougette, diminutive of Old French bouge "leather bag, wallet, pouch," from Latin bulga "leather bag," of Gaulish origin (compare Old Irish bolg "bag," Breton bolc'h "flax pod"), from PIE *bhelgh- (see belly (n.)). Modern financial meaning (1733) is from notion of treasury minister keeping his fiscal plans in a wallet. Another 18c. transferred sense was "bundle of news," hence the use of the word as the title of some newspapers.




单词budget原本表示小钱包,后来泛指任何尺寸的钱包,尤其是皮质的钱包。那么,它的意思是如何从“皮包”变成“预算”的呢?原来,在过去,英国财政大臣到议会提请审批财政预算时,通常将预算材料事先装在一个皮包中,在会场上再从皮包中掏出来。所以当时的人们就用“open the budget”(打开皮包拿出预算材料)来表示“提出预算”。时间长了,budget一词的意思就逐渐从“装预算材料的皮包”转变为“预算”本身了。

budget: ['bʌdʒɪt] n.预算,预算费vt.安排,预定,把……编入预算vi.编制预算adj.廉价的

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:budget 词源,budget 含义。


发音释义:['bʌdʒɪt] n.预算;预算费vi.编制预算;vt.把…编入预算

结构分析:budget= budge(皮包)+et(指小形式)→小皮包→装预算的小皮包→预算


单词budget原本表示小钱包,后来泛指任何尺寸的钱包,尤其是皮质的钱包。在过去,英国财政大臣到议会提请审批财政预算时,通常将预算材料事先装在一个皮包中,在会场上再从皮包中掏出来。所以当时的人们就用“open the budget”(打开皮包拿出预算材料)来表示“提出预算”。时间长了,budget一词的意思就逐渐从“装预算材料的皮包”转变为“预算”本身了。

词组习语:budget for(为…做预算);on a budget(精打细算);tight budget(紧张的预算)


来自拉丁词bulga, 皮袋子,钱夹。词源同ball, 膨胀,鼓起,球。预算来自钱夹比喻义。比较 bourse, 钱夹,股票交易所。


该词原义为“皮包”或“钱袋”,它源自拉丁语bulga(皮包),但却是通过法语指小词bougette(钱袋)进入英语的。我们从辞书里尚能查到这一古义。旧时店主把钱放在钱袋里,做预算时就得先打开钱袋,数一数现金。据说从前英国财政大臣在议会上提出预算时也有个习惯:先打开皮包( open the budget),取出有关文件。于是人们就常常将“皮包”同“预算”相联系。久而久之“budget的词义逐渐引申为“预算”或“预算案”。至今英语还保留着open the budget 一语,但它已丧失原义,现仅用于引申义“向议会提出预算案”。

关于budget词义的这种演变还有另外一种解释。1733年英国财政大臣沃波尔爵士(Robert Walpole,1676 - 1745)提出一项不得人心的消费税议案。有一本政治小册子将他比作“集市上打开假药包的江湖医生”(a mountebank at a fair opening his budgei of crank medicines)。从此以后budget就和政府财政预算联系起来了。


