- brave

- brave: [15] The word which today means ‘courageous’ comes from one which meant ‘uncivilized, savage, wild’. English acquired brave via French brave, Italian bravo, and Vulgar Latin *brabus from Latin barbarus, source, via a different route, of English barbarous. Also from the Italian form come the exclamation bravo [18] and its derivative bravura [18], while Spanish bravada has contributed bravado [16].
=> bravado, bravo, bravura - brave (adj.)

- late 15c., from Middle French brave, "splendid, valiant," from Italian bravo "brave, bold," originally "wild, savage," possibly from Medieval Latin bravus "cutthroat, villain," from Latin pravus "crooked, depraved;" a less likely etymology being from Latin barbarus (see barbarous). A Celtic origin (Irish breagh, Cornish bray) also has been suggested.
Old English words for this, some with overtones of "rashness," included modig (now "moody"), beald ("bold"), cene ("keen"), dyrstig ("daring"). Brave new world is from the title of Aldous Huxley's 1932 satirical utopian novel; he lifted the phrase from Shakespeare ("Tempest" v.i.183). - brave (v.)

- "to face with bravery," 1776, from French braver, from brave (see brave (adj.)). Related: Braved; braving.
- brave (n.)

- "North American Indian warrior," c. 1600, from brave (adj.), and compare bravo.
来自拉丁词barbarus, 见barbarian,野蛮的。后词义褒义化。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:brave 词源,brave 含义。
1 8世纪时英语还从意大刺语直接借用了bravo 一词,但却用来表示向演员等的喝彩声,词典一般释义为“好啊!”,它偶而也指“刺客”或“暴徒”。可见,brave,bravado和bravo都同出一源。