- boulevard

- boulevard: [18] Boulevard is a frenchified version of German bollwerk ‘fortification’ (the corresponding anglicized version is bulwark). The meaning of the French word, apparently quite pergent from that of bulwark, comes originally from the practice of constructing walkways along the top of demolished ramparts.
=> bulwark - boulevard (n.)

- 1769, from French boulevard (15c.), originally "top surface of a military rampart," from a garbled attempt to adopt Middle Dutch bolwerc "wall of a fortification" (see bulwark) into French, which at that time lacked a -w- in its alphabet. The notion is of a promenade laid out atop demolished city walls, a way which would be much wider than urban streets. Originally in English with conscious echoes of Paris; since 1929, in U.S., used of multi-lane limited-access urban highways. Early French attempts to digest the Dutch word also include boloart, boulever, boloirque, bollvercq.
在中世纪,重要的城市或要塞都会修筑城墙。城墙顶部有宽阔的通道以便防御人员的通行。这种城墙在荷兰语中被称为bolwerc。从该词产生了英语单词bulwark(壁垒)和法语单词boulevard。火药发明后,城墙的防护作用大大降低,常常被废弃不用。城墙顶部的宽阔通道成了人们散步遛马的好去处。有些城市甚至拆掉城墙,在原来的地方修建马路。由于在城墙遗址上修建的马路通常都比较宽阔,因此boulevard一词产生了“大马路、大道”的含义。该词进入英语后,专门用来表示“大道”,尤其是两旁有林荫的漂亮大道。美国洛杉矶市的日落大道(Sunset Boulevard)是全球知名的一条马路,是好莱坞名流文化和星光璀璨的标志符号。以Sunset Boulevard为名的还有五十年代的美国经典电影、舞台剧和相关影视剧等。
boulevard: ['buːləvɑːd] n.林荫大道,大马路
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:boulevard 词源,boulevard 含义。
由bulwark改编的变体词。bulwark, 防御,堡垒。原指军事城墙,后指城墙改造的散步道路,然后借指普通的林荫大道,大道。