- boss

- boss: English has two words boss, of which the more familiar is far more recent; both are fairly obscure in origin. We know that boss ‘chief’ [19] comes from Dutch baas ‘master’ (it was introduced to American English by Dutch settlers), but where Dutch got the word from we do not know for certain. Boss ‘protuberance’ [13] was borrowed from Old French boce, which comes from an assumed general Romance *botja, but there the trail goes cold. Boss-eyed [19] and boss shot ‘bungled attempt’ [19] are both usually assumed to come from, or at least be connected with a 19thcentury English dialect verb boss ‘bungle’, of unknown origin.
- boss (n.1)

- "overseer," 1640s, American English, from Dutch baas "a master," Middle Dutch baes, of obscure origin. If original sense was "uncle," perhaps it is related to Old High German basa "aunt," but some sources discount this theory. The Dutch form baas is attested in English from 1620s as the standard title of a Dutch ship's captain. The word's popularity in U.S. may reflect egalitarian avoidance of master (n.) as well as the need to distinguish slave from free labor. The slang adjective meaning "excellent" is recorded in 1880s, revived, apparently independently, in teen and jazz slang in 1950s.
- boss (n.2)

- "protuberance, button," c. 1300, from Old French boce "a hump, swelling, tumor" (12c., Modern French bosse), from either Frankish *botija or Vulgar Latin *bottia, both which is of uncertain origin.
- boss (v.)

- 1856, from boss (n.1). Related: Bossed; bossing.
boss: [bɒs] n.老板,头儿,首领vt.指挥,调遣,当……的头vi.当首领,发号施令
bossy: ['bɒsɪ] adj.专横的,爱发号施令的
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:boss 词源,boss 含义。
1.老板,来自荷兰语baas, 叔叔。代替过于正式的master.
该词往往使人想起17世纪建立纽约市的荷兰殖民者。那时候荷兰人的影响比较大,有一个词在荷兰人中间用得很多,这就是baas,意思是“主人”或“工头”。以后英国人取代了荷兰人的地位,也把baas一词接了过来,18世纪末期改拼为boss,到了1838年在美国英语中就已十分通用了。当时一位著名的美国作家库珀(J.Fenimore Cooper,1789 -1851)公开指责boss为粗俗语,并写信给词典编纂家韦伯斯特(Noah Webster,1758 - 1843),要求他帮助制止诸如boss,to belittle,to oppose,to advocate 一类粗俗词语的使用。然而,从boss进入英语之日起,它就显示了强大的生命力。最初它是作为master的委婉语使用,也许是因为外来词所以不如master那样含有令人不快的涵义。在当代英语中,boss作为标准语仍然保留了“工头”、“主人”、“老板”等义,尤用于商业和政治方面,在60年代期间一度还被用作少年俚语,流行一时,用以表示“第一流的”或“好的”。boss还常作动词用,如to boss someone about(把某人差来遣去),由boss派生的形容词bossy(专横的,爱指挥人的)也用得很多。