- bobby

- bobby: [19] The British bobby ‘policeman’ gets his name from the English statesman Sir Robert Peel (1788–1850) – Bobby or Bob being the pet form of Robert. Peel was Home Secretary when the Metropolitan Police Force was formed in 1828, but the term bobby is not actually recorded until 1844. A much earlier application of his name was the now obsolete Peeler, used from 1817 for members of the Irish Constabulary, founded under Peel’s auspices, and later for English policemen.
- bobby (n.)

- "London policeman," 1844, from Mr. (later Sir) Robert Peel (1788-1850), Home Secretary who introduced the Metropolitan Police Act (10 Geo IV, c.44) of 1829. Compare peeler.
罗伯特•皮尔爵士(Sir Robert Peel,1788-1850)是英国最杰出的首相之一,被看作英国保守党的创建人。1829年,当时担任英国内政部长的罗伯特•皮尔促使议会通过了创建新警察制度的议案《大伦敦警察法》,建立了“大伦敦警察厅”,标志着近代警察制度的建立。在建警初期,罗伯特•皮尔提出的九项警务原则,深刻体现了英国警察的性质,使警察事业在英国取得了辉煌的成就。因此,在英国,人们亲切地用罗伯特的昵称bobby来称呼警察。
bobby:['bɒbɪ] n.(俚语)警察,(人名)鲍比
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:bobby 词源,bobby 含义。
来自伦敦警察局的建立者,Robert Peel 爵士的昵称,见peeler, 警察。