

boat: [OE] In origin, the word boat seems to be restricted to northern parts of Europe: Old English bāt and Old Norse beit are the only early examples (German boot was borrowed from them, and French bateau comes from the English word). They point to a common Germanic origin in *bait-. It has been speculated that this may be related to bitt ‘post for fastening ship’s cables’. If true, this could mean that boat originally referred to one or other of the structural members of a wooden vessel.
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Old English bat "boat, ship, vessel," from Proto-Germanic *bait- (cognates: Old Norse batr, Dutch boot, German Boot), possibly from PIE root *bheid- "to split" (see fissure) if the notion is of making a boat by hollowing out a tree trunk; or it may be an extension of the name for some part of a ship. French bateau "boat" is from Old English or Norse. Spanish batel, Italian battello, Medieval Latin batellus likewise probably are from Germanic.




boat:[bəʊt] n.小船,小艇

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:boat 词源,boat 含义。


来自PIE *bheid, 砍,劈。反映古老的凿树为船的历史。词源同bite.


在古代,人们最初把树干的中部掏空,制作成小船,这种小船就是 boat 。词根本意就是“咬、切、砍”等。于是,bit是咬下来的一小块,bite是咬,bitter苦的,是咬到的东西味道不咋地,bait诱饵是给猎物咬的,beetle是咬人的甲虫。