- blatant

- blatant: [16] Blatant appears to have been coined, or at least introduced, by the poet Edmund Spenser. In the Faerie Queene 1596 he describes how ‘unto themselves they [Envy and Detraction] gotten had a monster which the blatant beast men call, a dreadful fiend of gods and men ydrad [dreaded]’. This ‘blatant beast’ was an allegorical representation of calumny. In the 17th century the word came to be applied to offensively voluble people, but the main modern sense, ‘offensively conspicuous’, does not seem to have developed until the late 19th century.
If the word was Spenser’s own introduction, it is not clear where he got it from. The likeliest candidate seems to be Latin blatīre ‘babble, gossip’, of imitative origin.
- blatant (adj.)

- 1596, in blatant beast, coined by Edmund Spenser in "The Faerie Queen" to describe a thousand-tongued monster representing slander; probably suggested by Latin blatire "to babble." It entered general use 1650s, as "noisy in an offensive and vulgar way;" the sense of "obvious, glaringly conspicuous" is from 1889. Related: Blatantly.
发音释义:['bleɪt(ə)nt] adj. 喧嚣的;炫耀的 ;显眼的;公然的
词源解释:16世纪英国诗人埃德蒙·斯宾塞 (Edmund Spenser)杜撰。斯宾塞在其长篇史诗《仙后》中创造了这个词,用来形容一头长有千条舌头、代表“诽谤”的怪兽。其词源很有可能是拉丁语blatire(喋喋不休)。现在,该词的核心含义是“在公众场合粗俗无礼地大声喧哗”,并引申出“显眼的”、“公然的”、“炫耀的”等含义。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:blatant 词源,blatant 含义。
blat, 同bleat, 羊叫,拟声词。指明目张胆的说坏话。
blatant一词由16世纪英国诗人埃德蒙•斯宾塞 (Edmund Spenser)杜撰。斯宾塞在其长篇史诗《仙后》中创造了这个词,用来形容一头长有千条舌头、代表“诽谤”的怪兽。其词源很有可能是拉丁语blatire(喋喋不休)。现在,该词的核心含义是“在公众场合粗俗无礼地大声喧哗”,并引申出“显眼的”、“公然的”、“炫耀的”等含义。
blatant:['bleɪt(ə)nt] adj. 喧嚣的;炫耀的 ;显眼的;公然的