

bikini: [20] For Frenchmen, the sight of the first minimal two-piece swimming costumes for women produced by fashion designers in 1947 was as explosive as the test detonation of an atom bomb by the USA at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, in the western Pacific Ocean, in July 1946. Hence their naming it the ‘Bikini’, the first record of which is in the August 1947 issue of Le Monde Illustré. English acquired the word in 1948. The monokini, essentially a braless bikini, first appeared in 1964, the inspiration for its name being the accidental resemblance of the element bi- in bikini to the prefix bi- ‘two’.
bikini (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"low-waisted two-piece women's bathing suit," 1948, from French coinage, 1947, named for U.S. A-bomb test of June 1946 on Bikini, Marshall Islands atoll, locally Pikinni and said to derive from pik "surface" and ni "coconut," but this is uncertain. Various explanations for the swimsuit name have been suggested, none convincingly, the best being an analogy of the explosive force of the bomb and the impact of the bathing suit style on men's libidos (compare c. 1900 British slang assassin "an ornamental bow worn on the female breast," so called because it was very "killing").
Bikini, ce mot cinglant comme l'explosion même ... correspondant au niveau du vêtement de plage à on anéantissement de la surface vêtue; à une minimisation extrême de la pudeur. [Le Monde, 1947]
As a style of scanty briefs, from 1960. Variant trikini (1967), with separate bra cups held on by Velcro, falsely presumes a compound in bi-.



比基尼(Bikini)原本是太平洋中一个小岛的名称,位于马绍尔群岛。1946年7月,美国在比基尼岛附近进行第一次水下核试验,从而使得这个原本名不见经传的小岛成为世人瞩目的焦点。就在原子弹爆炸后18天,一位大胆的法国时装设计师路易斯·里尔德(Louis Reard)推出了世界上第一款两截式泳衣,由胸罩样式上衣和三角裤组成,用料之少,令世人震惊。在替自己的作品命名时,设计师希望名称既能体现作品的轰动效应,又能体现热带风情。刚在报纸上频频提及的太平洋小岛“比基尼”一名恰好同时满足这两个条件。于是,设计师毫不犹豫地选择以bikini作为这种两截式泳衣的名称。

bikini:[bɪ'kiːnɪ] n.比基尼,两截式泳衣

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:bikini 词源,bikini 含义。




1947年bikini这种两段式女游泳衣首次在法国假日游憩胜地里维埃拉( Riviera)海滨出现时,曾经在社会上引起了极大的轰动。最初法国人将它取名le minimum,随后又有人改称之为bikini。bikini 一词始见于《世界报图文版》( Le.Monde Illustre)当年8月号第1期上。翌年,英语便将该词直接借用了过来。 bikini得名于西太平洋马绍尔群岛(Marshall Islands) 一个珊瑚岛岛名。1946年美国在该岛进行了一系列原子弹试验。取名者之所以将这种两段式女游泳衣同该岛岛名加以联系很可能是因为认为,身着该式游泳衣的身段苗条的青年女子可能引起异性的感情冲动力足以与Bikini岛上的原子爆炸力相比拟。在这个意义上bikini可以说是联想的产物。 1964年又出现了上裸游泳衣,人们仿bikini造出了monokinl 一词来表示,随后产生的trikini(三点式女泳装),nokini(“裸体”的代称)等司都是按类比法构成的。显然,名称的创造者有意无意地将bikini错误地分解为bi-和-kini两部分,仿佛bi-就是意为“二”的前缀。


