- belfry

- belfry: [13] Etymologically, belfry has nothing to do with bells; it was a chance similarity between the two words that led to belfry being used from the 15th century onwards for ‘bell-tower’. The original English form was berfrey, and it meant ‘movable seige-tower’. It came from Old French berfrei, which in turn was borrowed from a hypothetical Frankish *bergfrith, a compound whose two elements mean respectively ‘protect’ (English gets bargain, borough, borrow, and bury from the same root) and ‘peace, shelter’ (hence German friede ‘peace’); the underlying sense of the word is thus the rather tautological ‘protective shelter’.
A tendency to break down the symmetry between the two rs in the word led in the 15th century to the formation of belfrey in both English and French (l is phonetically close to r), and at around the same time we find the first reference to it meaning ‘bell-tower’, in Promptorium parvulorum 1440, an early English-Latin dictionary: ‘Bellfray, campanarium’.
=> affray, bargain, borrow, borough, bury, neighbour - belfry (n.)

- c. 1400, "wooden siege tower on wheels" (late 13c. in Anglo-Latin with a sense "bell tower"), from Old North French berfroi "movable siege tower" (Modern French beffroi), from Middle High German bercfrit "protecting shelter," from Proto-Germanic compound *berg-frithu, literally "high place of security," or that which watches over peace." From bergen "to protect" (see bury) or *bergaz "mountain, high place" (see barrow (n.2)) + *frithu- "peace; personal security" (see affray). It came to be used for chime towers (mid-15c.), which at first often were detached from church buildings (as the Campanile on Plaza San Marco in Venice). Spelling altered by dissimilation or by association with bell (n.).
来自古德语复合词*berg-frithu, 和平保卫者,讽刺的用于一古老的攻城塔的名字。berg,保护,词源同harbor, 港口,保护。frithu, 和平,友好,词源同free, friend. 后该攻城塔用于眺望,因与钟楼功能相似而词义也随之变化,拼写也受bell影响俗化。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:belfry 词源,belfry 含义。
现指“钟楼”或“钟塔”的belfry 一词原先和bell(钟)并无丝毫联系。中世纪德意志战略家为了征服邻邦制造了一种攻打城堡用的,名为bergfrid的“冲击塔”,其字面原义为peace-protector(和平保护者),名称本身颇具讽刺意味。这种冲击塔是可移动的,士兵隐蔽在塔内还可免受敌人弓箭手的伤害,确为一种有效器械。其他欧洲国家纷纷仿造,英国人也引进了这种冲击塔,并加以改进,把塔身造得更高,以便弓箭手能够爬到塔顶,向对方城堡放箭,英语借用了法语词berfrei称之,后改作berfrey。但是随着新武器的发明,berfrey在进攻性军事行动中逐渐显得过时了,就被拖至城堡内当了望塔用,并配之以钟,以便在敌人进攻时发警报。从15世纪起,由于人们不断地将该词和bell相联系,它开始演变为belfrey,最后又变作belfry,其词义也随之发生变化,“钟塔”一义取代了“冲击塔”,在现代英语常指“(教堂的)钟塔”。