- behalf

- behalf: [14] Behalf was compounded from the prefix be- ‘by’ and the noun half, in the sense ‘side’. The latter had been used in such phrases as on my half, that is, ‘on my side, for my part’, since late Old English times, and the new compound began to replace it in the 14th century. (That particular use of half had died out by the end of the 16th century.) The modern sense of ‘representing or in the interests of someone’ was present from the beginning.
=> half - behalf (n.)

- c. 1300, behalve (with dative suffix), from Old English (him) be healfe "by (his) side," and on (his) healfe "on (his) side," from healfe "side" (see half).
前缀be-, 强调,在。half, 半,边。在另一边的,代表另一方利益的。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:behalf 词源,behalf 含义。
词根词缀: be-附近 + half一半 → 我的这部分/我这边 → 利益