- baritone

- baritone: see gravity
- baritone (adj.)

- c. 1600, from Italian baritono, from Greek barytonos "deep-toned, deep-sounding," from barys "heavy, deep," also, of sound, "strong, deep, bass," from PIE root *gwere- (2) "heavy" (see grave (adj.)) + tonos "tone" (see tenet). Technically, "ranging from lower A in bass clef to lower F in treble clef." Noun meaning "singer having a baritone voice" is from 1821. As a type of brass band instrument, it is attested from 1949.
词根bar, 重,同gravity, 重力。tone, 音调。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:baritone 词源,baritone 含义。