- ballyhoo

- ballyhoo: [20] Ballyhoo remains an etymological mystery, but there is no shortage of suggested candidates as its source: an Irish village called Ballyhooly; an old nautical slang word ballyhoo meaning ‘unseaworthy vessel’, which seems to have been an anglicization of Spanish balahú ‘schooner’; and the bizarre late- 19th-century ballyhoo bird, a fake bird made of wood and cardboard and intended to fool a birdhunter. None of them, alas, seems remotely relevant to ballyhoo’s original American sense, ‘barker’s patter outside a circus tent, to encourage people to enter’.
- ballyhoo (n.)

- "publicity, hype," 1908, from circus slang, "a short sample of a sideshow" (1901), which is of unknown origin. There is a village of Ballyhooly in County Cork, Ireland. In nautical lingo, ballahou or ballahoo (1867, perhaps 1836) meant "an ungainly vessel," from Spanish balahu "schooner."
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:ballyhoo 词源,ballyhoo 含义。
爱尔兰科克郡(Cork County)有个名叫Ballyhooly的小村于,因村民好在街上大声争论而一度退迩闻名。有一份1934年3月的美国国会议事录这样写道:“村民以极为激烈的方式进行辩论,在国会辩论史或普通辩论史上都是无与伦比的,英语中的ballyhoo一词正是出自此粪激烈辩论。”人们据此认为ballyhoo源于该地名。然而,ballyhoo今天所用的“大吹大擂”或“大肆宣传”一义究其根源则有可能是出自美国的。19世纪90年代马戏团等常在帐篷前搭一称之为ballystand的宣传台,艺人们在台上表演一些精彩杂耍,以吸引观众,招秣生意,这种旨在宣传的演出叫bally showoballyhoo可能系bally whoop之讹误,它被赋予上述词义恐怕与此有关。约在1910年前后ballyhoo成了一个好莱坞广告用语,在美国广为使用。20世纪30年代大萧条时期有个杂志就以Ballyhoo为名。